Transforming Workplace Wellness With Voluntary Benefits For Employee

Discover how voluntary benefits for employees can revolutionize workplace wellness, boosting productivity and fostering a happier, more engaged workforce.

Transforming Workplace Wellness With Voluntary Benefits For Employee

Voluntary benefits, often called supplemental or ancillary, present a unique avenue for employers to enhance their overall compensation package. These are typically benefits offered through the employer but paid partially or wholly by the employees through payroll deductions. They can range from health insurance to wellness programs, financial planning, employee assistance programs, and lifestyle perks like pet insurance or gym memberships. The flexibility of voluntary benefits allows for a more tailored benefits package, meeting the workforce's diverse needs.

This approach to employee benefits has been steadily gaining traction. It allows employees to select the benefits that best fit their circumstances and financial needs, fostering a sense of personalization and control. For employers, it presents an opportunity to provide a more comprehensive benefits package without significantly impacting company finances. The result is a harmonious balance that caters to the well-being of employees, which, in turn, fuels higher productivity and workplace satisfaction.

Understanding Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary benefits, also known as supplemental insurance, are benefits and other offerings made available to employees that extend beyond the primary core benefits of health, retirement, and disability insurance the employer provides. The unique aspect of voluntary benefits is that they are optional, allowing employees to pick and choose what suits them best. Employees typically pay These benefits wholly or in part through payroll deduction.

The comprehensive spectrum of voluntary benefits includes critical illness insurance, accident insurance, pet insurance, legal services, student loan repayment programs, and even perks like discount programs for travel and entertainment. They are designed to fill gaps in coverage, meet specific individual or family needs, or offer conveniences that enhance an employee's lifestyle.

The voluntary benefits have gained popularity over time due to their flexibility and adaptability to a diverse workforce with varying needs and preferences. By providing a comprehensive set of voluntary benefits, employers can showcase their understanding and commitment to their employees' unique circumstances and life stages, enhancing job satisfaction, loyalty, and overall employee productivity.

Reasons To Offer Voluntary Benefits to Employees

In today's competitive job market, offering voluntary benefits is not just an option but a necessity for employers looking to attract and retain the best talent. Let's explore why offering these voluntary benefits can be pivotal in your employees' job satisfaction and overall workplace wellness.

Enhancing Employee Wellness

One of the main advantages of offering voluntary benefits to employees is the potential to boost their overall health. These voluntary benefits can cover health insurance and other health-related services, from wellness programs to preventive care, helping employees stay healthy and active. This not only contributes to a decrease in sick leave but also fosters an energetic and productive workforce.

Reducing Stress

In today's fast-paced world, external and job-related stress can significantly impact an employee's performance and mental well-being. Voluntary benefits like flexible hours, work-from-home options, or wellness programs can help alleviate these stresses. Employers can create a more relaxed, harmonious, and ultimately more productive working environment by addressing the factors that contribute to anxiety.

Elevating Job Satisfaction

A satisfied employee is a valuable asset to any organization. Offering voluntary benefits to employees is a strategic way to increase job satisfaction. Customizable voluntary benefits allow employees to choose what's most relevant and helpful, giving them a sense of being cared for and valued. The result is a workforce that is happier and more likely to stay committed and loyal to the company.

Attracting Elite Professionals

In an increasingly competitive job market, offering voluntary employee benefits can be the distinguishing factor that attracts highly skilled professionals to your organization. By demonstrating a commitment to your employees' diverse needs and well-being, you present your organization as a desirable workplace, appealing to talents who seek employers who genuinely care about their workforce.

Save Money

Surprisingly, implementing voluntary benefits can lead to considerable cost savings for the company. As these benefits are primarily employee-funded, the employer's primary role is facilitating access. In return, they foster a more satisfied and productive workforce without incurring additional out-of-pocket expenses.

Minimizing Employee Absenteeism

Voluntary benefits, particularly those related to health and wellness, can directly contribute to reducing the time employees take off work. Access to preventive care, wellness programs, and other health-related benefits encourages employees to take proactive steps toward maintaining their health. This often results in fewer sick days, enhancing productivity and continuity within the workforce.

Examples of Voluntary Benefits and Associated Costs

Voluntary benefits typically fall into one of four categories, including health and wellness, security, personal benefits, and financial wellness. While the list of available voluntary benefits can be extensive, let's look at some examples from each category and provide a rough estimate of their costs. It's important to note that prices can vary depending on the employee, level of coverage, and company size.

Life insurance

Single-coverage life insurance for employees can range from $20 to $30 per employee per month.

Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance costs vary significantly based on the employee's age and desired coverage amount. For instance, a 24-year-old employee seeking $10,000 in coverage may pay around $3 per pay period, while a person over 70 seeking $30,000 in coverage could pay about $200.

Vision insurance:

Employers or employees participating in shared cost programs typically pay $5 to $20 per employee per month for vision insurance.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance usually costs between $20 and $50 per employee monthly.

Gym memberships

Offering gym memberships as a benefit can range from $10 to $50 per monthly employee.

Identity theft protection

This voluntary benefit typically costs $8 to $24 per monthly employee.

Remote work arrangements

Remote work arrangements, such as lower office rent and electric bills, can reduce company costs.

Pet insurance

Providing pet insurance benefits to employees can range from $15 to $60 per month per employee pet.

Financial planning services

Employers can expect to pay around $2,000 to $7,500 annually for financial planning services. The employer can cover all or part of this cost through reimbursements.

Employers can anticipate spending $9 to $18 monthly per employee for legal services.

If employee-paid benefits exceed your budget, you can share the expense with employees or offer partial reimbursements. This allows most companies to provide access to valuable voluntary benefits and offset costs to some extent.


In conclusion, offering voluntary benefits has proven to be an effective strategy, enhancing workplace wellness, reducing stress, elevating job satisfaction, attracting elite professionals, saving money, and minimizing employee absenteeism. Such benefits can also be tailored to meet the diverse needs of your workforce, providing a win-win solution for both employers and employees. We encourage employers to explore the extensive benefits offered by Benefit360 Experts.

Benefit360 Experts' comprehensive offerings can help you foster a healthy, satisfied, and productive workforce, taking your organization to new heights in today's competitive business landscape.