ERC Applications: Breaking Down the Process

Navigate the labyrinth of the ERC Application process with ease, ensuring your business retains its valued employees while also securing financial benefits.

ERC Applications: Breaking Down the Process

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a relief measure introduced by the government to support businesses during challenging economic times. It is a fully refundable tax credit for employers equal to 50% of the qualified salaries that eligible employers pay their employees (including allocable qualified health plan expenses), with a $10,000 employee maximum. If you're a business owner, navigating the Employee Retention Credit application process is essential to keep your team intact and secure financial aid.

Understanding the ERC application process can be complex, especially with frequently changing guidelines and criteria. The process involves determining your eligibility, calculating your credit, and reporting your total qualified wages. This process must be meticulous, as any error could lead to delays or denial. Mastering the ERC application process opens the door to significant financial advantages, making it easier to weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side.

How Does Employee Retention Credit Work?

Employee Retention Tax Credit's function revolves around key elements impacting its implementation. Once a business is deemed eligible for the Employee Retention Tax Credit, the next step is identifying the 'qualified wages' that will be considered for the credit calculation. These include salaries, tips, and other compensation like commissions. It also encompasses the cost of maintaining a health plan for the employees during the eligible quarters.

The credit amount is determined once each employee's total of these qualified wages is calculated. Per the current guidelines, the credit rate is 50% of the qualified wages, with a ceiling of $10,000 per employee. For instance, for an employee who receives $8,000 in qualified wages during eligible quarters, the business would receive a credit of $4,000 (50% of $8,000).

The Employee Retention Tax Credit is then reduced by the employer's share of Social Security taxes. Suppose the ERC exceeds the total liability of the business's share of Social Security taxes for any calendar quarter. In that case, the excess is considered an overpayment and will be refunded to the company.

To apply for the Employee Retention Tax Credit, businesses report their total qualified wages and the related credits for each calendar quarter on their federal employment tax returns (usually Form 941). Companies must maintain accurate and detailed records of employment taxes, qualified wages, and qualified health plan expenses to ensure a smooth process.

Finally, it's important to note that the Employee Retention Tax Credit is subject to recapture if the employer takes a Small Business Interruption Loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan for the same wages.

The Employee Retention Tax Credit is a well-considered method for helping businesses, preserving jobs, and promoting economic resilience. With a clear understanding of how it works, companies can navigate financial uncertainties and give stability to their employees.

How Does A Business Qualify For Employee Retention Credit?

Qualification Criteria 1: Experiencing Significant Decline in Gross Receipts

An employer might qualify for the refundable tax credit if their gross receipts have drastically dropped. Beginning with the first quarter of 2020, there has been a considerable decline in gross receipts when an employer's revenue is less than 50% of their income for the same quarter in 2019.

The eligibility period ends with the first calendar quarter following the first calendar quarter of 2020, for which the employer's gross receipts were more significant than 80% of its gross receipts for the corresponding calendar quarter in 2019.

Qualification Criteria 2: Governmental Order Leading to Business Suspension

An employer could also qualify for an employee Retention Tax Credit if their operations were fully or partially suspended due to a governmental order related to COVID-19 during a calendar quarter. Such orders may include those from a city mayor, state governor, or federal law.

Qualification Criteria 3: Employees' Status

Only salaries paid to employees when they are not delivering services because of a governmental order or a considerable drop in gross receipts are eligible for tax credits for firms with more than 100 employees. Suppose employees are paid during these circumstances, regardless of whether they render services. In that case, an employer with 100 or fewer workers may claim credit for the wages given to that employee.

Qualification Criteria 4: Non-Duplication of Credit

You cannot claim the same employee's wages for this credit or credits offered under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Similarly, you cannot claim credit if you've applied for a Paycheck Protection Program loan that covers the employee's wages.

Qualification Criteria 5: No Relation to Shareholder

A business cannot claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit for wages paid to an employee who is also an owner or a family member of an owner. The disallowed parties include children, spouses, siblings, step-siblings, parents, and any in-laws.

Qualification Criteria 6: Compliance with Regulations

Lastly, employers must remain compliant with all regulations and requirements of the ERC tax credit program throughout the periods for which they claim the credit. Any non-compliant activity may result in the revocation of the credit and potential penalties.

Maximum Tax Credit Amount a Business Can Receive

The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 changes the amount of credit a business can receive under the Employee Retention Credit refund. Before the Act, the credit was limited to $5,000 for each employee for all calendar quarters of 2020. However, with the changes, the credit potential has expanded significantly.

For the calendar quarter 2021, the ERC tax credit rate is 70% of qualified wages, and the limit on per-employee creditable salaries is $10,000 per quarter. For each of the first two quarters of 2021, an eligible employer could claim a credit of up to $14,000 per employee ($10,000 in qualified wages x 70% ERC rate = $7,000 per quarter x 2 quarters = $14,000).

Another significant change is the employer eligibility for the ERC based on full-time employee count. Starting from January 1, 2021, businesses with 500 or fewer employees can claim the credit irrespective of whether the employee is providing services.

Employers can also receive an advance credit payment if the total number of employees in 2019 was less than 500. In case the credit amount for any calendar quarter exceeds the applicable employment taxes on wages, the excess is refundable to the employer.

Moreover, businesses that didn't exist in 2019 are still eligible for refundable tax credits. They are required to use the same quarter in 2020 to calculate the decline in their gross receipts.

It's highly recommended that businesses consult with a tax professional or an accountant to ensure they're maximizing their tax credits and meeting all associated requirements.

Refundable Tax Credit: Processing and Receipt Timeframe

The timeline for receiving the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) varies based on several factors, including the timeliness of the employer's tax return submission, the complexity of the payroll data, and the IRS's current processing capacity. Once a business has determined its eligibility and calculated the amount of its credit, it can claim the ERC on its quarterly employment tax return (Form 941).

Generally, businesses can expect to receive their credit after their Form 941 has been processed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This process could take several weeks, especially during peak tax times. The IRS aims to release funds immediately for businesses that claim the credit in advance. Still, delays may occur due to processing time and the verification of information.

If a business retrospectively amends its employment tax return to claim the ERC credit, the IRS processing time may be longer – potentially several months. It's essential to frequently check the refund status using the IRS's "Where's My Refund?" tool.

There must be a fixed timeline for receiving the payroll tax credits, as it depends on various factors. Businesses should ensure they have submitted accurate and timely information to expedite the process. Consulting with a tax professional or an ERC consultant can offer additional guidance and clarity.

Steps On Applying For The Employee Retention Credit

  1. Identify Eligibility: Determine your business's eligibility for the ERC based on the qualification criteria. Ensure you meet the requirements for significant declines in gross receipts, government-ordered suspension of operations, or employee count.
  2. Calculate Qualified Wages: Identify and calculate the eligible wages for the ERC. This includes wages, certain health plan expenses, and the allocable share of qualified health plan expenses.
  3. Prepare Documentation: Prepare all necessary documentation demonstrating your ERC eligibility and credit calculation. This may include financial statements, payroll records, and copies of government orders related to business operations.
  4. Report on Tax Returns: To qualify for the ERC, include the total eligible salary and associated health insurance costs on your employment tax returns (usually Form 941) for each quarter.
  5. Claim Advance Payment (If Applicable): If your anticipated credit for a quarter exceeds your federal employment tax deposits, you may file Form 7200 to claim an advance payment of the ERC.
  6. Maintain Records: Keep all records of payroll taxes and specific documentation to substantiate your claim for three years from the date the tax return is filed.
  7. Review and Adjust: Review your situation each quarter to determine ongoing eligibility for the ERC and adjust your credit calculations as necessary.

Remember, the process can be complex, and engaging with a tax professional or an accountant can be beneficial in ensuring you appropriately apply and maximize your potential credit.

What Are Important Questions To Learn More About Employee Retention Credit?

Q1: Can employers of all sizes qualify for the ERC?

Employers of all sizes can qualify for the Employee Retention Credit, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

Q2: Does the Employee Retention Credit apply to state and local taxes?

No, the Employee Retention Credit applies only to federal employment taxes and does not cover state or local taxes.

Q3: Can non-profit organizations apply for the Employee Retention Tax Credit?

Non-profit organizations can qualify for the ERC if they meet the outlined eligibility criteria.

Q4: Can a business not based in the U.S. apply for the ERC?

A non-U.S.-based business can apply for the ERC if it has U.S. employees and pays U.S. federal payroll taxes.

Q5: What happens if a business mistakenly claims more ERC than they are entitled to?

If a business mistakenly claims more ERC than they are entitled to, it may be required to pay back the excess amount with interest and penalties.

Q6: Can employers claim the credit for wages paid to contractors?

No, the Employee Retention Credit only covers wages paid to employees, not payments made to independent contractors.

Q7: Can the Employee Retention Credit be claimed for past quarters?

Yes, provided the statutory deadline for claiming refunds has stayed the same, businesses can retroactively claim the ERC for past quarters.

Q8: Does claiming the ERC impact a business's eligibility for other federal relief programs?

Claiming the ERC does not necessarily impact a business's ability to participate in other federal relief programs. However, there are specific rules regarding 'double-dipping,' i.e., using the same wages to calculate ERC and other federal tax credits or relief programs. Therefore, businesses must carefully consider the implications and consult with a tax professional.

Get Help From The Most Trusted ERTC Consultant

At ERTC Express, we specialize in making the complex simple. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals stays abreast of the latest legislative changes and IRS guidelines regarding the Employee Retention Credit, ensuring our clients are always compliant and maximizing their potential credit. We have a history of achieving success in assisting businesses of all sizes from various industries to navigate the intricate ERTC application process and effectively claim their rightful credits.

Our commitment to client satisfaction and transparency sets us apart in the industry. We understand that every business is unique and tailor our approach to match your needs and circumstances. With ERTC Express, you can rest assured that your ERTC concerns are in capable hands. We take pride in our meticulous attention to detail, exceptional customer service, and unwavering determination to help our clients achieve their financial goals. Partner with ERTC Express today, and let us guide you through the ERTC journey with confidence and ease.